
The new generation Esaote ultrasound is smart and easy to optimize images and save time, with a unique design, friendly interface which brings comfort and convenience to meet all needs of examination

Flexible multidisciplinary portable ultrasound unit with lastest generation. Fast - Reliable. Touchscreen – Zeroclick Automation Tool. Extremely high battery capacility – 240 minutes.
High-end portatble ultrasound with innovative. Ergonomic design. Multiapplication capacility. Extremely high battery capacility – 240 minutes.
The ultra mobile non-invasive solution for liver fibrosis assessment. VCTE™ - Vibration controlled transient Elastography. CAP™ – Controlled attenuation parameter. Smart Exam - Increasing measurement depth. New Controlled Attenuation Paremeter Technology (Continuous CAP™). Light and easy to handle (5kg approx). 12.1 inches touchscreen.