Model: FibroScan® Compact 530.
Manufacturer: Echosens.
Original: France.
Stiffness measurement: fibrosis assessment of Fibroscan®.
Pioneer in the field of liver elastography.
FibroScan® produces biomarkers that can assess and monitor patients over time.
FibroScan® uses uniform algorithms that minimize inter-operator variability and eliminate inter-system variability.
Stiffness & CAP™ measurements.
Liver Fibrosis: LSM by VCTE™ is unique, patented, and validated for liver fibrosis assessment. It is the standard for non-invasive evaluation of liver stiffness.
Liver Steatosis: CAP™ is unique, patented, and validated for liver steatosis assessment.
Smart Exam Technology.
Improve reliability in the diagnosis and monitoring of steatosis with Continuous CAP™. Extend usage among severely obese patients with the deeper assessment of liver fibrosis and steatosis. Dedicate more time to patient care with tasks automation.
Mobility : battery operated, transit case & Roll up stand (option).
Adaptive design and ergonomics: from cart-based to transportable.
Non-invasive – Fast measurement.
The ultra-mobile non-invasive solution for liver fibrosis assessment.
Stiffness & CAP™ results are the median of 10 valid measurements.
Adaptive design and ergonomics: from cart-based to transportable
Echosens is the world’s #1 provider of non-invasive medical devices dedicated to assessment of chronic liver disease. Echosens significantly changed the practice of liver diagnosis with FibroScan®. The unique device using patented and validated VCTE™ for liver stiffness assessment. CAP™ for steatosis quantification. FibroScan® is recognized worldwide as the reference for non-invasive liver diagnosis with more than 2,500 medical publications, 40 guidelines recommendations and more than 6,5OO devices installed worldwide. We are working hand in hand with physicians, medical academics, research pharmaceutical companies for patient identification and monitoring in NAFLD/ NASH.
FibroScan® Demonstration Exam.
Discover FibroScan®, the state of the art technology that will improve your liver diagnosis. This unique, accurate and efficient device brings you extra clinical confidence to support your patient management.
At Echosens, we envison a future where medical professionals. Their patients have the best tools and information to assess and manage liver health. Find out more about Echosens and FibroScan in this video.
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Non-invasive – Fast measurement.
The ultra-mobile non-invasive solution for liver fibrosis assessment.
Stiffness & CAP™ results are the median of 10 valid measurements.
Adaptive design and ergonomics: from cart-based to transportable