
Hi-end shared-service ultrasound system.

  • Product Information.
    Model: MyLab™X75.
    Manufacturer: Esaote.
    Original: Italia.
  • Enhancing the experience.
    MyLab™X75 offers ultrasound images with extraordinary clarity.
  • Enhancing the comfort everyday.
    MyLab™X75 is a powerful ultrasound system specially designed by Esaote engineers to be suitable for any clinical environment.
  • Insightful Workflow.
    Focus more on patients and less on parameters with the exclusive easyMode and easyColor intuitive finger-touch image optimization and intelligent algorithms.
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X75 Esaote ultrasound